Skinner Releasing Technique™ & Improvisation
28th - 30th April 2017
Andanzas Studio Zurich
Bettina Neuhaus (Amsterdam)
Introductory Evening
Skinner Releasing Technique™
Fri 28th April 2017 19h00 – 21h30
Fee: CHF 65,-
Weekend Workshop
Skinner Releasing Technique™ & Improvisation
Sat 29th April 11h00 – 17h00
Sun 30th April 10h00 – 16h00
Fee: Early-bird discount for registration and payment until 1st April 2017: CHF 260,-
After 1st April: CHF 300,-
Skinner Releasing Technique™ is a dance technique for all those with an interest in engaging the whole self in the dynamic dialogue between imagination and movement. It is designed for professional dancers, actors and musicians as well as for people with little or no formal dance training. As an integrative dance practice SRT is unique in the way it enhances technical growth and creative process.
SRT uses guided poetic imagery and hands- on partner studies to facilitate deep kinaesthetic experience of movement and a sense of wholeness. SRT stimulates the process of letting go of one’s tensions and holding patterns, and through that, releases new possibilities in how we perceive and how we dance.
Practicing the different releasing principles individually, with a partner or a group provides the experience of dynamic and multidimensional alignment; one gains strength and flexibility and finds more freedom, effortlessness and presence in movement.
This introductory evening and workshop give a first insight into the basic principles of SRT and are open to professional dancers, performers, teachers, choreographers, somatic practitioners and anybody else with an interest in movement and dance.
Teaching: English and German
Place: Andanzas Studio, Feldstrasse 24, 8004 Zürich
Closing date for registration: 14th April 2017
Places are limited.
Info & registration:
Johanna Köb,, Tel: +41 76 5859517
In case of cancellation the following fee will be charged: before 15th April 2017: CHF 40,- at a later moment: the full fee.
Participants should take personal insurance cover for any damage to objects or to another person.
Bettina Neuhaus is an Amsterdam-based dance artist working internationally for more than 25 years, collaborating with dancers, musicians, visual artists, poets and philosophers. Alongside her work as prominent improviser, she creates performative installations and lecture-demonstrations. She is a certified Skinner Releasing Teacher and holds a Masters in Creative Practice from ID &Trinity Laban, London and a Masters in Music from the Folkwang University of Arts, Essen. Bettina teaches SRT and Instant Composition extensively at major academies and studios across Europe and South America.
Dance Impro Lab - Summer Special - "Im Freien" am 28.August 2015 19:00 Uhr.
Ausweichtermin bei schlechtem Wetter: 29 August 2015 / 11:00 Uhr.
Treffpunkt: Zollikerstrasse 74-76, 8008 Zürich Seefeld
Mitzunehmen: bequeme Kleidung und Turnschuhe zum Tanzen
THEME: ON SITE – Welchen Einfluss hat die Umgebung auf die Improvisaton?
On site - vor Ort tauchen wir ein in die Welt der Improvisation. Inspiriert durch den Raum und die Impulse die uns umgeben im Hier und Jetzt. Aus dem Moment schöpfen wir völlige Hingabe zum sein und verleihen dem vor Ort präsenten Ausdruck durch Tanz. Ganz individuell und verbunden durch die Gesamtheit der Gruppe entstehen Kompositionen die berühren.
Ich freue mich darauf gemeinsam einzutauchen im Moment und es entstehen zu lassen.
Teilnahme bitte per Mail bestätigen.
Price: CHF 20 (discount 50% when you are out of cash)